Sverre Fjørtofts artikkel, oppdatert med kommentarer fra Tord Holen, leder av
ATAC(AEIs teknikske komitè). Tords kommentarer i rødt.
Svar på spørsmål fra medlemmer angående ”One Off”
Enkelte ganger får NFOs medlemmer spørsmål fra
fremmede flyopperatører om de kan stille deres
kompetanse til rådighet, for å avhjelpe ved en AOG(Aircraft
On Ground) situasjon. I slike situasjoner kan flyteknikeren
ofte føle et utilbørlig press fra både reisende, og kollegaer
som ikke har vår flytekniske kompetanse.
Det er ikke lett for alle å forstå at en flytekniker som er ansatt i for eksempel
Norwegian, kan repparere deres egen Boeing 737 fly, men ikke repparere en
flymodell i eget selskap eller et tilsvarende fly i fra et annet selskap,
når det er 180 passasjerer som skulle ha reist på ferie til et varmere
land for
to timer siden.
Men i enkelte tilfeller kan dette faktisk ordnes ved hjelp av en såkalt ”One Off”
autorisasjon. Kvalitetsavdelingen til flyopperatøren som har en AOG situasjon kan under strenge retningslinjer, i henhold til EASAs
regelverk gi en flytekniker autorisasjon til å utføre det som trengs for å få flyet luftdyktig igjen. Til sist er det selvfølgelig flyteknikeren
selv som må ta en avgjørelse om han/henne er kompetent til å utføre oppgaven.
Ingen har lov til å gå utenfor sitt eget kompetansenivå!
Det er som vanlig med AMCèr er det øye som ser og tolknings spørsmål blir ofte hva det koker ned til.
EASAs regelverk sier følgende:
Part 145.A.30.(j).5
In the following unforeseen cases, where an aircraft is grounded at a
Hvis et selskap velger å ikke ha 145 tjenester på en destinasjon som de har faste ruter til. Vil det være ”unforseen” når et fly får
snag/AOG på denne destinasjonen og hvor går grensen ?
location other than the main base where no appropriate certifying staff
are available, the organisation contracted to provide maintenance support
may issue a one-off certification authorisation:
"The maintenance organisation contracted to provide maintenance" Hvem er dette? Er det hoved levrandøren av 145 tjenester eller
kan de være I flertall ? En 145 organisasjon på en opratørs utestasjon som de har en adhoc/workorder kontrakt med ? Her er jeg
veldig usikker på intensjonen av AMC. Kan det være slik at enhver 145 organisasjon kan gi “one-offs” til en person som oppfyller
kravene ,for å jobbe på hvem sitt fly som hest bare de har en kontrakt av en eller annen form med opratøren av flyene ?
(i) to one of its employees holding equivalent type authorisations on
aircraft of similar technology, construction and systems; or
"Aircraft of similar technology, construction and systems” Hvor går grensen her ? Er alle hjulskift similar technology ?
(ii) to any person with not less than five years maintenance experience
and holding a valid ICAO aircraft maintenance licence rated for the
aircraft type requiring certification provided there is no organisation
appropriately approved under this Part at that location and the
contracted organisation obtains and holds on file evidence of the
experience and the licence of that person.
All such cases as specified in this subparagraph shall be reported to the
competent authority within seven days of the issuance of such certification
authorisation. The organisation issuing the one-off authorisation shall ensure
that any such maintenance that could affect flight safety is re-checked by an
appropriately approved organisation.
AMC 145.A.30(j)(5) Personnel requirements
1. For the purposes of this sub-paragraph “unforeseen” means that the aircraft
grounding could not reasonably have been predicted by the operator because the
defect was unexpected due to being part of a hitherto reliable system.
2. A one-off authorisation should only be considered for issue by the quality
department of the contracted organisation after it has made a reasoned judgement that
such a requirement is appropriate under the circumstances and at the same time
maintaining the required airworthiness standards.
The organisation’s quality
department will need to assess each situation individually prior to the issuance of a
one-off authorisation.
3. A one-off authorisation should not be issued where the level of certification
required could exceed the knowledge and experience level of the person it is issued
to. In all cases, due consideration should be given to the complexity of the work
involved and the availability of required tooling and/or test equipment needed to
complete the work.
Som jeg tidligere har medelt tror jeg intensionene med en single event autorisation er forholdsvis klare. Hvis en organisation velger
å benytter seg av en single event authorisation vil det ikke være andre enn kvalitets avdelingen til denne kontrakterte 145
organisationen som har mulighet til å utstede dokumentet.
AMC 145.A.30(j)(5)(i) Personnel requirements
In those situations where the requirement for a one off authorisation to issue a CRS
for a task on an aircraft type for which certifying staff does not hold a type-rated
authorisation has been identified, the following procedure is recommended:
1. Flight crew should communicate details of the defect to the operator’s
supporting maintenance organisation with full details of the defect. If necessary the
supporting maintenance organisation will then request the use of a one off
authorisation from the quality department.
2. When issuing a one off authorisation, the quality department of the
organisation should verify that:
a) Full technical details relating to the work required to be carried out have been
established and passed to the certifying staff.
b) The organisation has an approved procedure in place for co-ordinating and
controlling the total maintenance activity undertaken at the location under the
authority of the one off authorisation.
c) The person to whom a one-off Authorisation is issued has been provided all
the necessary information and guidance relating to maintenance data and any special
technical instructions associated with the specific task undertaken. A detailed step by
step worksheet has been defined by the organisation, communicated to the one off
authorisation holder.
d) The person holds authorisations of equivalent level and scope on other aircraft
type of similar technology, construction and systems.
3. The one off authorisation holder should sign off the detailed step by step
worksheet when completing the work steps. The completed tasks should be verified
by visual examination and/or normal system operation upon return to an appropriately
approved Part-145 maintenance facility.
AMC 145.A.30(j)(5)(ii) Personnel requirements
This paragraph addresses staff not employed by the maintenance organisation who
meet the requirements of 145.A.30(j) (5). In addition to the items listed in AMC
145.A.30(j) (5) (i), paragraph 1, 2(a), (b) and (c) and 3 the quality department of the
organisation may issue such one off authorisation providing full qualification details
relating to the proposed certifying personnel are verified by the quality department
and made available at the location.
Sverre Fjørtoft,
Leder NFO/TU og Tord Holen, Leder AEI ATAC