Privacy Statement

Norsk Flytekniker Organisasjon (NFO) is an union run by aircraft engineers. That is, we have no permanent employees and base our operations on voluntary office. In order for you to be able to register as a member of us, we need personal information about you.

By registering for membership in NFO and using our website, you provide us with information about you. Here you can read what information we collect, how we do it and what we use them for.

Who has access to the information about you

Data controller is NFO’s Central Board.

All persons with a Board or secretariat’s office in NFO Central and Board members in all local offices have access to your member information.

Data Processing

Data Processor is a (company) that processes personal information on behalf of a data controller. It may be a supplier such as member registers, email services, file storage, web hosting etc. Although it is the data controllers responsible for the processing, data processor also have obligations under the legislation.

Our data processors are StyreWeb (Effektus AS), Microsoft and Nordic Hosting AS.

What are your data for

The information you provided to us when registering as an member is used for the following:

  • Membership register
  • Verify that membership fee is paid.
  • To get in touch with you via email, SMS, phone or letter when needed to provide you with the information we consider necessary. Eg. by strike or that like.
  • In order to provide you with offers from our partners such as bank, insurance, power companies and others. (We do not provide any contact information to our partners. Only NFO will send you information about any offers). If you wish to make a reservation, you can do this here.

Information obtained automatically when using is used for the page to work optimally. Eg. if you want to share a post on Facebook through our sharing link, then our website will need to obtain the necessary information. You can read more about cookies here.

What is the legal basis?

We have the basis for processing personal information in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) article 6 and 9, and your consent.

Where is the information obtained and what personal information is processed

Registering for membership

Upon enrollment, you consent that the information you provide will be stored and used in NFO’s work as mentioned above. All data you provide will still be saved after you withdrawal unless you request them to be deleted.

Information we collect using

By using we automatically collect information about eg. which technology you use (PC/Mac, tablet or mobile phone), internet browser, IP address, network operator, what you do (eg. which pages you visit) and where you are (based on your IP address we can register your geographichal location).

Is it voluntary to disclose the information

We depend on your information in order to have you registered as a member.

If you wish to make a reservation to receive offers of our member benefits, you can do this here.

By using, we do not collect sensitive personal information about you. You can make changes to your internet browser at any time and block cookies. By blocking cookies, it may be that parts of our website will not work as normal.

Is the information provided to third parties

Yes. Your personal information is sent to the payroll office of the company you are employed. This is required when the membership fee of NFO is deducted directly through your salary. Note that your employer already has the same personal information about you as the employee registred in there own systems.

NFO does not sell personal information to third parties, nor do we exchange or disseminate this information with any third party other than your employer.

How are the information deleted and archived

All your personal information is anonymized/deleted on your request at withdrawal or later. Note that some of your information may not necessarily be deleted. An example of this may be case documents that will not be complete without single information.

Your rights

You have the right to require access, correction or deletion of personal information we are processing about you. You also have the right to require limited treatment, objection to treatment and claim right to data portability. You can read more about the contents of these rights at

If you believe that our processing of personal information does not match what we have described here or in other ways we violate privacy laws, you may appeal to the Data Protection Authority.

For information on how to contact the Data Protection Authority, visit

How is the information secured

All our systems are secured according to any applicable legislation.

Data obtained using passes over “secure encryption line” (SSL). The solution is as safe as the one used in, eg. Internet banks.


If you have questions about our processing of your information or wish to use your rights, please contact NFO at

Changes to the Privacy Statement

NFO reserves the right at any time to make changes to this Privacy Statement, to the extent necessary to correct any errors or to comply with any new legal or technical requirements. Any changes to the privacy statement will be published on our website.